@Sanchy It was THOSE bunker videos that woke me up with a jolt. Had the panic attack of my life at that Remain Loyal circus and broke down from the content streamed there. Can't believe they're still running with that bunker theme almost a year later. Must have worked on the sleeping masses.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I wish I had not gone to the meeting last night
by stillin inthe first thing i saw when i went in was the two video screens having the watchtower singers chorus doing a number.
the sound wasn't up enough to make out the song, but the video was grotesque.
the singers were swaying to the music, all independent of each other, no discipline, actually sloppy-looking.
Just Offended A JW Cart Witness Without Even Trying
by pale.emperor inon my way into town from my office.
two carts set up a few feet from each other.
one manned by a man and woman (i assume they're a couple) in their late 30s.. the guys walks off to the other cart as im walking by, i wasn't going to approach but the woman holding the awake!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
That woman would SO be filing for divorce if they weren't JWs. That asshole sounds like an insecure prick to be so petty about asserting his masculinity and dominance.
Has anyone else recently been contacted by a once close JW friend or relative? Could this be a new JW tactic?
by Latte inhmmmm...yesterday my long life friend called my landline after many years of silence.
now the shock has subsided, i am wondering if i can forgive and forget the fact she chose not to keep in touch throughout a time in my life which was very stressful.
sadly, i gathered that she is still involved with jehovah’s witness faith.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 Yep! I'm feeling very pressured and "watched" by Witnesses. As recently as today, I had another sister contact me to say "Try and get to all three convention days please? Ask your mom to have [son's name] so you can soak in the encouragement!?"
I replied, "I've already done all three days : )." The John Cedars rebuttal counts, right?
She wrote back, "Great. Pray please to not isolate yourself of seek out worldly people to befriend ... Satan wants your life! Jehovah promises to give you the real life if we can be patient!!"
I'm not waiting for a satisfying life to live after I've died. This IS the real life. WAKE UP. Of course, I didn't say that. Sheesh, though. I assured her I'm alive/doing well. Things are great, just taking time to myself (absence from the meetings). And I get that frantic "SATAN WANTS YOUR LIIIIFFFEEEE" message. For f*ck's sake.
Why the vitriolic hate?
by stuckinarut2 ini am sure we have all thought of this before, but it struck me again today:.
why does the society promote such vitriolic hate toward, and about those who have left "the truth" ?.
surely it is obvious that such critical attitudes towards ones like us who have left, only serves to proove that they do not have "the truth"?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@pale emperor "Similar practices ... have been recognized by courts of law as a fundamental right."
Courts of law? Yeah, maybe a "judicial" court held in the back room. To the rest of the world and humanity, this very practice is a VIOLATION of basic human rights.
Do you feel comfortable being an apostate?
by Chook ini always found it uncomfortable to informal witness to people but trying to convince a jw to jump ship brings much more pleasure..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 Great video, thanks for sharing.
Do you feel comfortable being an apostate?
by Chook ini always found it uncomfortable to informal witness to people but trying to convince a jw to jump ship brings much more pleasure..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
It's hard for me because I'm only a fader and not disfellowshipped, so I don't get to flex my apostate muscle as much as I'd like because I'm always looking over my shoulder.
Sh*t got real when I discovered the apartment next to me got snapped up by a sister from another congregation who knows me well. Just not well enough to know I'm OUT of the cult. It's going to be so difficult hiding my identity and trying to avoid judicial action, especially since she's asked me to drive her to meetings/witnessing and show her my local congregation. I mean, we're sharing a wall, for crissakes. I can't even be an apostate in the privacy of my own home.
My live as video gamer and JW
by ironsnake656 inone of my strangest things that happened to me during my life as jw was that i loved (and still i do) video games.
i started playing super mario bros in a nintendo entertainment system (nes) from my cousin and from there i developed an attachment to the video games.
i remember that i asked for a gift the nes to my dad and my wish come true!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
My father told my that the society apparently said that violent video games were Satan's way of training the masses for the Great Tribulation. Ordinary citizens would suddenly know how to manage complex weapons and kids will be skinning other children alive to create zombies as though it were the most casual thing in the world to do.
New Research at AJWRB
by Lee Elder inthe latest research article published at ajwrb estimates the number of jehovah's witnesses who have died from following or being coerced to follow watchtower's blood policy.
the numbers are staggering.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@jwfacts My father used to muse that if people would drop dead after one glass of Coca-Cola, they'd ban the poison. But because the internal decay happens over a long period of time with plenty of variables occurring in each consumer's lifetime, the deaths cannot be measured accurately.
Killing in the name of....
by Confusedalot inmy story:.
i grew up as one of jehovah's witnesses with all the normal complications which include but are not limited to: having no friends because the other kids are worldly and the other witnesses are not spiritual enough, being tormented every day at school for not saluting the flag, not participating in birthdays, not swearing, being a virgin and using the name of god.
this was not only verbal and emotional torment but even progressed to physical abuse.. through all this jehovah was my only friend and i used to pray a lot, and felt that all of these things don't matter as long as i have him.. after school and starting work i met someone and we got married.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I think former Governing Body member, Raymond Franz's In Search of Christian Freedom would really resonate with you:
Like you, Ray Franz also valued a relationship with God without the shackles of a corrupt organization like the Watchtower.
I wish you all the best as you continue to embark on your journey through "Christian Freedom".
Liberating, isn't it?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
While I was out in 2013, there was some special three hour meeting with a live streaming from the headquarters, or something. My parents convinced me to attend. I was fully into my descent as a drug addict back then, so there were frequent trips to the bathroom to snort cocaine off the toilets in the ladies room. I'm sorry, but even as a sober person, how could anyone sit through a three hour meeting?!